Tuesday, September 07, 2021 |
Yeah, that'll help society.D
ictator is an easy job. You get to just sit around all day and tell everybody else what to do. If they do it, great. If not, not so great — for them.
So what if your dictates aren't really in their best interests. That's their problem, not yours. Besides, what are they going to do? complain? refuse to obey?
Complainers and refusers in a dictatorship are like anti-Old Soldiers: They never fade away. They just die.
Or, in short, no problem.
"But that's not who we are!"
Uh-huh. In any event, it's where we are.
At some point, if conditions deteriorate enough, perhaps the compliant majority will decide that it’s not enough merely to resent the refusal of the noncompliant to face scientific reality [sic] and accept minor [sic] restrictions on personal choice. If lotteries and other [bribes] incentives are insufficient, there would have to be penalties.–Herr "ethics" professor Daniel Wikler
The majority should "punish" those they resent and have decided to label and treat as undesirables. After all, yellow Stars of David worked so well in the last first-world nation ruled by socialist totalitarian aggressors.
"But it's for our collective good!"
So were, at some point, gas, showers and ovens for that other nation's "compliant majority." One of the smartest, most "scientific reality"-minded people on the planet were able to rationalize all those.
Nein, Herr Wikler, restrictions on personal choice don't stay "minor" in a dictatorship. No more than a "95% effective vaccine" stays anywhere nearly as effective.
"Then more vaccines! More restrictions! It's the only way!"
For a free society, I would suggest, instead, "other incentives" sufficient to help liberofascists like Herr Wikler understand that their refusal to face the scientific reality of cyanide capsules and a self-inflicted head wound which awaited another dictatorship's leader who worked to force everybody else to "accept" his criminal, humanity-destroying dictates, is actually the worst possible personal choice.
The study reveals that the two-dose regimen of the BNT162b2 vaccine is effective against severe COVID-19 and infectiousness for a short period of 2 months.
However, the vaccine becomes ineffective six months post-vaccination. Importantly, this waning efficacy
could be regained by a third vaccine dose, which should be administered at least five months after the second vaccine dose.
Further studies are needed to evaluate the long-term efficacy of the booster vaccination. ["Scientific reality" emphases added]
Labels: bedwetting liberals (BIRM), Chinese flu, Democrat War on Americans, DeMSMocrat-dictatorial complex, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, liberofascists, socialist injustice

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