Thursday, August 20, 2020 |
“Many of the [Socialist/Marxist] ideas we fought for — that just a few years ago were considered radical — are now mainstream [Democrat Party policies].” –Comarade Bernie
t was nice of the Demofascist Party's top two candidates to openly confess their "unity" with totalitarianism's perennially failed ideas. Even nicer that one of them proclaimed those ideas "now mainstream" within their party. Liberofascists like them usually don't telegraph their zealous adherence to such merciless killers of personal freedom.
Criminals ready to snap are all in favor of "a civilian corps of unarmed first responders such as social workers" to handle their "nonviolent" crimes, but not freedom-loving Americans who demand and support effectual protection of their safety and security.
Democrooks bent on dividing America into more easily conquerable tribes are all committed to shifting the blame and bruden for their party's "legacy of slavery and Jim Crow segregation" onto everybody else, but not justice-minded Americans who judge the Jimocrow Party solely guilty and responsible, and that the descendants of its many, many victims have exceptionally strong cause as well as the right to sue it into total bankruptcy and ultimate extirpation.
Well-heeled Demotyrants, their donors and their armies of loophole-making accountants and lawyers all promote "shared prosperity" and "investing" other people's money in their countless vote-buying schemes, but not hard-working Americans who actually earn a living and must pay the multitude of hiked taxes those exorbitantly costly schemes require.
Desperate Demofascists and their cheap labor-supporting pals all clamor for the immediate elimination of America's borders and sovereignty, but not We the People who ordained and established her Constitution and value law and order.
Power-hungry globalists and other Democronies all believe they must "embed environmental justice and climate justice at the heart of our policy and governing agenda" and must prepare us to be "citizens of our planet," but not God-fearing Americans who put their eternal trust in Him rather than in some elitist clique of hate-filled, politically-driven control freaks.
Thankfully, we Americans have a president who already stopped these liberofascists from inflicting their freedom-crushing ideas on our country once. When we reelect him, he will do so again.
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, elitist despot liberals (BIRM), lawless liberals (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, treason

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