n. Any of the various extinct swamp-dwelling invertebrates that existed before the Magassic period, including both deepstaters and liberofascists' buttkissers and often reaching egos of gigantic size.
ppeasing totalitarian aggressors, including the Party of Slavery/Civil War/Ku Klux Klan/Jim Crow/Etc./Etc. (aka Demofascists), is not the way to defeat such dangerous criminals against humanity. It only emboldens them and practically invites them to continue their freedom-destroying blitzkriegs.
Those bloodthirsty tyrants who call for aborting butchering newly-born babies can never be appeased. By now it should be clear to all but the RINOsaur "brained," they will and do resort to anything to grab the one and only thing that matters to them — absolute power. That includes trying to project their incomparable infamy and eternal guiltiness onto others.
Instead of allowing these domestic enemies of the people to feast on jellyfish and ostrich, we must, for the sake of all lovers of liberty, force them to munch exclusively on crow while at every opportunity ramming down their traitorous throats their own steaming piles of bovine excrement.
We the people of the greatest republic on earth have a choice: Abolish DNC or Die.
Labels: Abolish DNC or Die, Democrat War on Americans, liberalism is a mental disorder, Liberalism Kills, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), minionstream media