Tuesday, October 30, 2018 |
Don't they remember what happened to them after the last civil war they started?
iolent Democrats(birm) threatening "blood in the streets" if they don't get their way should come as no surprise to anyone at this point.
Character actor James Cromwell warn[s] of violence if President Trump and his allies remain in office.
"If we don’t stop (President Trump) now, then we will have a revolution for real. Then there will be blood in the streets."
That's what Democrooks and other liberofascists mean when they screech, "Civility!!!!11!11!!111!!!!!11™"
According to the Party of Slavery® — aka Demonrats — any Republican who points out the hundreds of recent acts of extreme violence by Despoticrats is "being uncivil." Same if the former dares quote the latter's own maliciously menacing, mob-inciting words. Republicans are supposed to roll over, play dead, and never ever ever respond to anything Demotyrants say, do, or threaten to do.
No wonder reasonable people are walking away in droves from the Democrat Party such a violently hostile, hate-filled cult.
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), lawless liberals (BIRM), liberalism is a mental disorder, liberals are always extreme, liberofascists, violent Democrats (BIRM)

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