Thursday, October 04, 2018 |
Democrats are pure evil.
ruth, contrary to what media hypocrites and Despoticrats(birm) "think" feel, is not whatever spews past the perpetually forked tongues of deranged liberofascists.
"Never" may be the same as "at least once" in their criminally-insane so-called minds, and "fear of flying" the same as "frequent-flyer champ" or "escape door" the same as "rental-space entrance," but to people possessing more than one functional neuron anywhere inside their craniums, those aren't even close. Had any Trump Administration official tried under oath to make such representations, the Democrook-Mediot Dictatorial Complex™ would be screeching at the top of their pot-soaked lungs demanding the FBI roughly shove him into the dankest, darkest jail cell and throw away the key!
True American patriot and President Trump's original national-security adviser Lieutenant General Michael Flynn was "caught" telling the FBI that, during the presidential transition, Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak asked him to discuss lifting U.S. sanctions against Russia, but he replied, essentially, "No, let's not discuss that now." There were no material discussions, but Deep State witchhunters prosecuted General Flynn anyway. They claimed he "lied" when he truthfully said no material discussions took place. They coerced him into pleading guilty by threatening to also investigate his family. They bankrupted him. The whole Deep State branded him an agent of the Kremlin. That's what happens when a Trump Administration official tries to say "no discussion" is the same as "merely mentioned it."
Demofascists yelling everybody must believe their liars and disbelieve our truth-tellers is nothing new. Were George Orwell alive today, he'd be penning his book's sequel as we speak.
Its title? 2018.
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, DeMSMocrat-dictatorial complex, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, more liberal hypocrisy, socialist injustice

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