Laughably unexplodable fake "bombs" — that's not the Right's style.
im "I'm Sooo Special" Acosta, CNN's top Prozi propagandist and "bomb"-disposal expert, showed this photo of the fake "bomb" that undoubtedly one of his liberofascist cohorts personally hand delivered to their Ministry of Propaganda branch office CNN.
That laughably unexplodable fake "bomb" (LUFB for short), next to the Clorox wipes, is sitting on a table in some break room. That's right. A break room. Not deep within the bowels of the Bomb Squad's reinforced-concrete building. No. It's having a photoshoot in CNN's break room.
Red Flag 1.
The package's laughably insufficient, uncancelled postage means their LUFB didn't go through any U.S. Postal Service facility, where it would've been immediately caught and given many, many USPS sorting room workers and supervisors a very hardy laugh. No. One of Acostard's fellow leftist wackos(birm) brazenly walked up to their Ministry of Propaganda branch office CNN and deposited said LUFB where a CNN Prozi "worker" could find it, pick it up and take it to CNN's break room for a photoshoot. All, apparently, without being caught on or by any security camera or personnel. Call him/her/whatthehell Teh Invisible Ninja Leftist Wacko(birm) Fake "Bomber"™!
Red Flag 2.
Approximately 15 nanoseconds after this LUFB was "discovered," the leftist wackos(birm) at CNN quickly went on-air with this propaganda prop "news" item and instantly blamed President Trump for Creating A Climate Of Hate® in which normal conservative people minding their own business are suddenly Pushed Over The Edge® and Whipped Into A Frenzy® until they're utterly compelled to make Laughably Unexplodable Fake "Bombs" (LUFB) and personally hand deliver all of them without being seen by anybody or on any security tape to said Ministry of Propaganda branch office CNN Prozis and other assorted leftist wackos(birm) about 12 days before the midterm elections. What a coinkydink™! Some pushed-over-the-edge, whipped-into-a-frenzy LUFB maker(s) resisted that overwhelming urge to make and send LUFBs until then.
Red Flag 3.
The whole thing appears little more than another of the liberofascists' coordinated pre-election smear jobs, desperately concocted in yet another last-ditch effort to stave off their highly deserved, thorough beating from Americans who are beyond pissed off at their dangerously destructive grabs for absolute power, and who now stand poised to handily deliver them not bombs, but a most beautifully glorious drubbing on November 6.
Since these laughably unexplodable fake "bombs" are essentially Duds for Duds™, perhaps we should call them Duds Unleashed by Moon Bats.
DUMB for short.
Labels: corrupt Democrats (BIRM), Democrat War on Americans, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, liberals unhinged, miserably failing liberals (BIRM)