No love trumps it.
emocrooks, the Democratstream media and other liberofascists sing this song of "tolerance" all the time. What its lyrics mean is if you don't think feel as we think feel, you deserve neither love nor tolerance, only our pure, unbridled, unrelenting hate. Because, you know, such extreme conformity is extremely progressive.
You may be asking: Who are the Nazis here? After all, like California Republicans, they're presumably among the ones everybody is supposed to hate. Conditional love — the only "love" so-called progressives tolerate — dictates we hate not only them but anyone liberofacists compare to them. (I know, that's a lot of people we have to hate.)
Confusingly, we aren't supposed to hate totalitarians or terrorists like Kim Jong Un or MS-13 gang members. Call any of these brutes "animals" and you'll see how much you'll be hated. Hate the president's daughter hugging her child? That's Okay-Hate®. Indeed, call her a "cunt" and you and your script-writing team will swiftly be embarrassed by all the praise and awards from top liberofascists you'll get.
To summarize: Hating anybody liberofascists don't love and expressing that hate is always all right. It's like Double Sooper-Seekrit Protected Speech™. What's never all right is hating anybody they conditionally love. That instantly makes you somebody they don't. It also makes you somebody they demand everybody must hate. They demand everybody must hate, too, anybody they think feel doesn't sufficiently hate you.
Clearly, people so full of hate hate no one more than themselves. It can only spring from their deepest cores. As they keep proving, liberofascists tolerate nothing and hate everyone.
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), more liberal hypocrisy, violent Democrats (BIRM)

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