Where's the Britain of "we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"?
n reality, feel-good concerts and meaningless platitudes aren't fighting anything — except, maybe, common sense and the survival instinct. Advising citizens subjects to "run, hide, tell" makes matters even worse. Unless the British people quickly convince themselves that exterminating your islamofascist mortal enemy before he gets the chance to even think about killing you is what always wins, not PC-smothering "love," their "men" may as well start figuring out now which direction Mecca lies and their woman their correct burqa size in order to not die of embarrassment a good stoning. (Hint: It's always "E" for enormous.)
But not to worry, Mr. & Mrs. British Subject. The muslim mayor of your capital says, "No reason to be alarmed" by the show of police after each enemy attack. Both are just "part and parcel of living [dying] in a big city." So go about your business as usual. In the extreme unlikelihood the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand fortnights, let alone years, your "betters" will still say, "We'll tolerate no one's finest hours here!"
Not a proud epitaph, to be sure.
Labels: extremely irresponsible liberals (BIRM), idiot liberals (BIRM), insane liberals (BIRM), liberalism is a mental disorder, Liberalism Kills, liberals are always extreme, Nuke Mecca or Die, World War IV