isn't Mecca a huge radioactive crater?
- 'Suicide bomber' strikes at Manchester Arena: Nineteen people are killed and 50 injured in terrorist attack as 'nail bomb near the exit' explodes, ripping into teens leaving packed Ariana Grande gig
imited war leads only to unlimited deaths, never total victory and lasting peace. It is the clearest sign of weakness we could ever show islam's fanatical followers who keep slaughtering our children, women and men. Are we afraid we might make them even more dangerous and evil by actually winning the war they started?
Hard to fathom now, but our Nation once had a president — a Democrat no less — who truly understood what it takes to defeat these forces of uncompromising evil.
Just a month after emperor-god-worshiping fanatics cowardly attacked us at Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt proclaimed a "total war effort against our common enemies is being achieved." We would always strike the enemy "wherever the greatest damage can be done him." That enemy, in his quest to enforce a murderous, backward religion all over the world, started the war. "But the massed, angered forces of common humanity will finish it."
There would be no compromise in this "conflict that day and night now pervades our lives." Our president concluded, "No compromise can end that conflict. There never has been — there never can be — successful compromise between good and evil. Only total victory can reward the champions of tolerance, and decency, and freedom, and faith."
Thank our Lord the leader of the free world then was neither a President "Failed Legacy" Puddytat nor a Crooked Hilliary! Indeed, he had the fearlessness of a Donald J. Trump.
Today, another cancer of fanaticism is ravaging our world. It, too, is hellbent on destroying all our lives, liberties and pursuits of happiness. The muslim world, which spawned that cancer, continuously proves both unwilling and unable to stop its spread, much less remove all traces of it within its midst. So our world has no choice but to achieve again the same total war effort and be once more the massed, angered forces of common humanity which will finish it.
Labels: good versus evil, Nuke Mecca or Die, Religion of Decease, Sealing the fate of freedom's enemies, World War IV