Sunday, November 20, 2016 |
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
ongress should call itself into session now and pass a bill that would exempt every American motorist from any criminal prosecution or civil action arising from his or her vehicle striking, injuring, or killing one or more braindead, safety-pinheaded crybullying "protesters" rioters who intentionally obstruct or otherwise deny his or her right of travel upon any American roadway. Whether they were struck, injured, or killed accidentally or not would be immaterial. Moreover, all those "protesters" rioters (or their estates) would be fined an amount equal to the costs of repairing or replacing the motorist's vehicle plus all of the motorist and his passengers's medical and funeral expenses; and all such costs and expenses would be paid by the United States out of highway trust-fund monies. Finally, any such obstruction or denial that results in the death of the vehicle's operator of any of its occupants would be a federal capital offense.
Of course, "President" Puddy Tat will, as he always does, stand up for whoever's terrorizing law-abiding Americans, and thus will veto that bill. Voters will remember in 2018 and beyond not only his deplorable betrayal, but also that committed by all his liberofascist accomplices in Congress who voted against the bill's passage.
Fortunately for all peaceable, law-abiding Americans, Congress may pass the same bill when it convenes next year, in time for President Trump to sign it into law right after he's sworn into office. Then America's roadways will be safe again for you and me as well as for our children.
Labels: annihilating liberalism, anti-America liberals (BIRM), lawless liberals (BIRM), liberalism is a mental disorder, liberals are always extreme, Making America Great Again, non-liberal ideas (aka Good Ideas)