Saturday, September 03, 2016 |
Karma self-identifies as a man now. Call him The Donald.
ll you pro-hold-your-nosers from past presidential slaughters elections, all you pro-vote-your-ladypartsers from this one, and in between them all you other power-grubbing haters of everyday Americans who actually did and do build this country and made and will again make her great, you each had your chance to move America in the right direction but blew it. It's time we dump you all in favor of someone you hate just as much as us. It's time for a President Trump because yes only he can piss you off good and hard over the next eight years not just like you've been pissing us off these last eight election cycles but until you're nothing more than one huge sputtering mass of total impotence fundamentally transforming into an extremely bad yet ever-diminishing memory promptly afterwards.
In short, President Trump will rid us all of your always extremely destructive kind completely and forever.
America's true builders and makers call that A. Good. Thing.
Labels: a Republic if we can keep it, Establishmentardians, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), good versus evil, liberalism is a mental disorder, liberals are always extreme, Making America Great Again

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