1. Name: State full name (include any former names used).
Gonzalo Paul Curiel
2. Position: State the position for which you have been nominated.
United Sttes District Judge for the Southern District of California
9. Bar Associations: List all bar associations or legal or judicial-related committees, selection panels or conferences of which you are or have been a member, and give the titles and dates of any offices which you have held in such groups.
American Bar Association
Hispanic Advisory Committee of the Commission on Public Understanding about the Law (1993 - 1994)
Hispanic National Bar Association, Life-time Member
La Raza ["THE Race"] Lawyers of San Diego
Latino Judges Association
National Hispanic Prosecutors Association
learly an alleged judge who seeks not justice but racist, political vengeance and ugly partisan gain:
Whoops! Judge 'Mistakenly' Unsealed Too Many Records in Trump U Lawsuit
Judge Curiel Is a Member of LaRaza — San Diego LaRaza Lawyers' Association
PROOF: @MegynKelly Caught Lying About Judge Gonzalo Curiel's La Raza Membership to Bash @RealDonaldTrump
Activist Judge who Released Documents on Trump U Case — Awarded Scholarships to Illegals
WOW: Trump Hatin' "Mexican Judge" Awarded Scholarships To Illegal Immigrants
OOPS: Trump-Hating Judge Just Accidentally Revealed His SICK Connection To Hillary
Rigged: The Trial of Trump University ... Political conflicts of interest galore go uncovered in witch hunt against Trump
ABC Brings on Clinton-Backing NY Dem to Bash Trump on Fraud Case
Sheriff of Wall Street Blackmails Witness in Trump University Case
Trump University Plaintiff Law Firm Paid Clintons $450,000 for Speeches
Labels: lawless liberals (BIRM), liberal hypocrites (BIRM), liberal racism, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, lying liberals (BIRM), Nation of lawyers, No Justice No Peace, Obama Administracism

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