Violent extremist terrorist Democrat(birm) pledged allegiance to ISIS.
ecause the Democrat muslim mass-murderer(birm) Omar Mir Seddique Mateen is a member of Baracrook Øfascist's most favorite "religion," our coward-n-thief presentdunce disgracefully refused to even utter the word "muslim" or "islam" when glibly gibbering about his fellow Democrat's evil muslim acts. Predictably, he brought up his fellow Democrat butcher's choice of weapon instead of his fellow Hilliary supporter's choice of "religion" moongod-worshiping death cult. The former is not the issue. The latter's cravenly hellbent slaughter of defenseless American civilians must be our nation's sole focus if we're to stop these islamofascist terrorist attacks on our own soil. Since it wasn't, 50 more Americans are dead. Thanks again, Øfascist & Insane Co.
Why do murderous Hilliary-voting muslims(birm) hate us? It's not just about their children having to witness homosexuals kiss in public. It's their whole brutally barbaric belief system that's the cause. Until we elect leaders who are willing and able to recognize that, we'll be forced to suffer even worse slaughters.
Not that any of these Democrooks care: Terrorist Omar Mateen Worked For Security Company Responsible For Transporting Illegal Aliens....
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, islamofascist terrorist attacks on American soil (blame Obama), Liberalism Kills, liberals are always extreme, Religion of Decease, World War IV, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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