"But that's extreme! #NotAllMuslims!!!!11ONEHUNDITYElEVENZ1ES!!11!...1..!...."
amn straight it is, Little Nevilles®. War should be hell for war criminals and every place supporting them. Otherwise, They. Won't. Stop.
We have two choices only: Fight with everything we have to win, or don't and lose. We're so far down Losers Lane already it's almost too late. The excuses and appeasement aren't the interminable, go-to responses of the winners so far of this World War. They aren't thinking up useless hashtags or protesting "warmongers." They're too busy thinking up even more sophisticated and very unpleasant ways to better kill us all while protesting "infidels" and "apostates." And they won't be convinced to stop it by this post or, for that matter, anything else short of their excruciatingly painful, long-overdue, and well-deserved deaths. Total war or lose. That's their choice — and they know it.
islam, no matter whichever delusion the self-appointed arbiters of "our values" demand we believe, is nothing if not a "religion" of war. The word itself means submission, not peace — apart from the peace you have after forcibly converting everyone or slaying them if they don't submit wholly to your values. The most evil thing anyone could ever say about this "religion" is that we must learn to tolerate it and judge it not for the widespread, undeniable evils permeating it. Requiring us to look past those, however, is worse. It is treason to every truly good and peaceful person and thing throughout the world.
Brussels, the home of many defenders of real peace, can be either our final staw or simply more evidence we aren't fighting to win.
That's our choice now.
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, good versus evil, justice delayed, liberalism is a mental disorder, Liberalism Kills, Nuke Mecca or Die, World War IV

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