er Nibs, the fossilized fascist, probably hacked up half a lung too while lying to the Benghazi Heroes' grieving families that some "spontaneous" mob of video critics barbarously butchered their loved ones, and she was going to hold the video's maker — not the butchers "offended" by it — legally accountable, and that, no, it wasn't any well-armed, not so on-the-run regiment of rampaging ragheads taking complete advantage of her colossal and criminal failure to ensure their loved ones would return to American soil safe and successful, rather than in four pine boxes stacked inside the cargo-hold of a transport plane. How dumb does she "think" feel those families are?
The other half of that lung she hacked up while lying to FBI investigators that she didn't know her unsecured secret server was receiving highest-classified emails because, *cough* *cough* *hack*, they weren't "labelled" Highest Classified. How dumb does she "think" feel those investigators are?
The other lung she's hacking up before the eyes of Iowa's voters while lying to them about the above and everything else.