Friday, December 04, 2015 |
and each unit of islamoterrorist hijackers a bunch of "crashers"?
ass shooting" sounds so much more politically correct than "islamofascist-enemy sneak attack on American soil," doesn't it? It's also better to call bomb-throwing muslim butchers "shooters" than ever risk committing the unforgivably anti-PC sin of profiling them! After all, they have civil rights, you nonprogressive xenophobic bigot. Mustn't violate those no matter how many innocent, regular Americans they "allegedly" cold-bloodedly slaughter!
Perhaps yes Presentdunce Øbonkers can invite the neighbor who didn't want to profile them to come visit him at the White House so yes he can orgasmically congratulate her for her admirable and enlightened tolerance and progressiveness. Ask her to tweet #RefugeesWelcome a few times while she's there, too. That'll show everybody the kind of American values our dEar misLeader wants to encourage!
Only "racist" islamophobes ever see something, say something anyway. So what they might prevent a "mass shooting" an islamofascist-enemy sneak attack on American soil? That's less important than creating more "shooters" bomb-throwing muslim butchers by calling the police about or just merely noticing any.
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), Democrat War on Americans, liberalism is a mental disorder, Obama Is THE National Security Threat, Religion of Decease, Where's the Fence?, World War IV