Lying liar-in-chief lied again.
emember Baracrook Øfascist's big lie that his health care "reform" would significantly reduce emergency-room visits?
How often, for example, have you heard the emergency-room argument? The uninsured, it's said, use emergency rooms for primary care. That's expensive and ineffective. Once they're insured, they'll have regular doctors. Care will improve; costs will decline. Everyone wins. Great argument. Unfortunately, it's untrue.
Just like "if you like your plan/doctor, yes you can keep your plan/doctor. Period!"
Once again we learn it was nothing but lies.
Backers of ObamaCare have said it would reduce the number of visits to emergency rooms, the Wall Street Journal notes, but in fact, a poll of ER doctors finds that number has been climbing.
Exactly as predicted by everybody with something other than fascistic feces for brains when Øbigliar and his Democrook accomplices in Congress were conspiring to ram their unread, 2,000-page bill fraud down all our throats.
"Visits are going up despite the (Affordable [sic] Care [sic] Act), and in a lot of cases because of it," a spokesman for the American College of Emergency Physicians tells the Journal.
Also, the average family's annual health care costs were supposed to go down by $2,500. But, of course, the opposite has happened. Just look at how "affordable" your deductible and premiums are now.
The findings come from a March poll of 2,098 doctors, three-quarters of whom said they'd seen ER visits increase since January 2014. Last year, less than half of doctors polled noted an increase in the number of visits.
After many lawless delays and exemptions, we're finally starting to feel the full abominable effects of Øfascist"Care".
The ACEP says people who have gained Medicaid insurance under the law are heading to the ER because they have a hard time getting appointments otherwise; many doctors won't accept their insurance, ACEP notes.
Another prediction come true.
There is also the problem of hospitals and ERs closing.
The president of ACEP tells USA Today that there is also a shortage of primary care doctors given the number of people now insured.
Only fanatical fascists like Øbigliar and his co-conspirators in government and media didn't want you to see that one coming.
US officials have predicted that by 2020, the country will be 20,000 primary care doctors short of its needs. "(Patients) don't have anywhere to go but the emergency room," he says. "This is what we predicted. We know people come because they have to."
By then, don't be surprised if you have to bring along an interpreter whenever you visit your Øfascist"Care" "doctor."
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, Health Care Death Snare, heartless liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), Obama Lied Your Healthcare Died, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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