Friday, February 13, 2015 |
Either "marriage equality" means you're allowed to marry anyone you want, or it means nothing.
ou've finally found your soulmate. But some bigoted law is preventing you from getting married. That's unfair. It's discriminatory.
You're made to feel like a second-class citizen just because you love someone with whom you want to spend the rest of your life in a committed, legally-recognized relationship, but can't because a tyrannical majority says it's "unnatural" and "wrong." They've even passed a constitutional amendment in your state forbidding you from marrying the person you love! That's mean. It's unjust.
They deny you your dream of walking down the aisle and being joined in holy matrimony, because to them it would be a total nightmare if it ever came true. Don't they know we're living in the twenty-first century? There's no room in our society for such prejudice anymore. Not even against the ultimate in same-sex relationships: Sologamy.
Only solophobes oppose same-self marriage. "But," they tell you, "you do have the right to marry, as long as it's between you and somebody else." What good does that do you? That's elsist. It's exclusive.
“I take myself to be my lawfully-married me.”
Do we or don't we have the right to marry anyone we choose no matter who that person is? Why limit marriage to two or more persons of the opposite or same sex or even from a different or the same family or, for that matter, species? No matter the animate (or inanimate) object of your affection, you should have just as much right to marry the same. It's about equality! Now what can be more enlightened than that?
Who knows? One day our laws may evolve to where yes a woman can marry not only herself but her female Chihuahua and three deceased sisters — with their executrices' permission, of course — in the same same-self, same-sex, same-fauna, and postumously same-kin ceremony. That'll show all the bigoted, mean-spirited homophobes, incestophobes, beastiaphobes, necrophobes, and solophobes!
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, insane liberals (BIRM), liberal hypocrites (BIRM), narcissist liberals (BIRM), Separation of Common Sense and State

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