Wednesday, November 05, 2014 |
A.k.a. the last time Demøcrooks held fewer seats in our House of Representatives.
heir 183 number of seats is the third lowest for them in its entire 435-member history. Over the last hundred years, only the 67th and 71st Congresses were plagued by less House DemØfascists. The next Congress will be tying the 69th for third least infestation of House Demøcommies.
Not only was this election not "nothing," it was historic. "A big freakin' deal," to paraphrase foul-mouthed racist Vice Presentdunce Joe Biden.
Make no mistake™: According to His High-Crimes-and-Misdemeanors-ness Baracrook Øbola, every single one of his failed, lawless policies were on the ballot. Indeed, as the election results clearly show, every single one of them have been rejected outright by the American people.
The Republican leadership would do well to show just as clearly they reject every single one of His Lawlessness's policies, too.
Labels: corrupt Democrats (BIRM), Democrat War on Americans, lawless liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, ObaDunce FAILS, Obamabuse of Power, out-of-touch liberals (BIRM), Worst. pResident. Ever.

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