Everybody expects their snobbish inquisitions!
“Better to rule in hubristic
Prozi® hell than serve in constitutional republic heaven.
”– any snobgressive
“Better to let American children die after catching Enterovirus D-68 (EV-D68) and/or other fatal disease(s) from an
"unaccompanied minor" sent to their school secretly by Øbameinführer's Immigration and Customs "Enforcement" than prevent the latter
and his/her/etc. undocumented
-worker-Democrat-voter parent(s) and/or other relative(s) from illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border before the 2014 congressional elections.”
– ditto
“Better to expose hundreds if not thousands or even millions of American citizens to the deadly
Ebola "Ebolee"/
"Eboli" virus brought here by one or more illegal aliens and/or muslim terrorist suicide bug-bombers and impose martial law and/or cancel the 2014 and/or 2016 elections afterwards than severely restrict travel from
any "Ebolee"/
"Eboli"-ravaged African country.”
– ditto
Labels: Democrat War on Children, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), heartless liberals (BIRM), lethal liberalism (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, Obola, Suicidemocrats, treason, videos, Where's the Fence?

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