Thursday, October 02, 2014 |
We've suffered at least two KIA so far....
ow many of our dead children's new classmates this year are the Deathocrats' own open border-crossing Unaccompanied Kids™?
Yet the deaths do raise an alarm because this year has been worse than some other years, since enterovirus D68 has been sending more children than usual to the hospital with severe respiratory illnesses. It seems to be most affecting children with a history of asthma or breathing problems.
Worse than some other years? Why? What's happening this year that wasn't happening before?
Hundreds of Unaccompanied Children Are Being Held in a Makeshift Border Patrol Facility
June 10, 2014
Immigrant advocates and public officials are raising concerns about the conditions at a makeshift Border Patrol facility in Arizona that is temporarily housing hundreds of unaccompanied children, part of an unprecedented surge of cross-border migration that President Obama has called an "urgent humanitarian situation."
Oh, that.
Demokillerats clearly feel it's more important to expand their precious illegal-Dimmigrant voting base as quickly as possible before the midterm elections than do something to protect our much more precious children before they start a new school year. Why else are Democidalrats obstructing Republican legislation that would better secure our borders? Why else is their führer Baracrook Ølawless fascistly preparing to grant every adult new Demmigrant voter in these unlawfully-present kids' families an unprecedented "executive" amnesty? They have made him our Murderer-in-Chief™.
Not surprisingly, Demochildkillers refuse to allow any effective restrictions on persons crossing our border from Ebola-ravaged countries. Apparently they aren't satisfied with just mass-murdering our children. They have to exterminate us adults now, too.
Once we kick Terminatorats out of Congress next month, yes we can remove the death sentences they've imposed on all of us.
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), Democrat War on Americans, Democrat War on Children, lawless liberals (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, liberals are always extreme, Obamabuse of Power, treason, Where's the Fence?

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