Saturday, October 11, 2014 |
"You say enforce immigration law, he says impose martial law
"Ebola, Ebolee
"Immigration law, martial law
"Let's call the general elections off!"
ying Øliar lies that, no, you can't get "Ebolee" from touching railings or seats used by "Ebolee"-infected muslim terrorist moles illegal Dimmigrants passengers. (
WZ via RWN)
Yeah, and yes you can miraculously grow a functioning brain inside your clearly empty skull, Typhoid Øbamary, merely by being selected pResident. Perhaps you and the First "Lady" should invite a few "Ebolee" victims over to the White House for a Beer Tobacco ZMapp Summit™, just to show the whole world how right incredibly ignorant and imbecilic you are. Bring along your fellow mewling Dimwittedrat misleaders Hatey Reidtard and Ninny Peloosescrewi. Yes they can sit in the "Ebolee" victims' chairs once everybody else leaves.
Also, Øtryant, don't get any bright idiotically fascistic ideas from this headline—
Being forever branded an absolute tyrant will be the least of your worries if you even contemplate trying something like that here. No world war, civil war, famine, pestilence, or other calamity has ever before kept Americans from holding our democratic elections on time. No you can't, don't, and never will prescribe or control any of their times, places, and manner. Our Constitution alone — you know, that document you so readily and frequently ignore and have the unholy temerity to claim, most laughably so, especially as you unilaterally start yet another endless war and lawlessly order the assassination of yet another American citizen, you're some kind of praise-worthy scholar of — ordains and establishes who solely does. Namely, our States and our Congress. You know, those entities whose constitutional powers you so readily and frequently usurp and dismiss in order to form your more perfect dictatorship, establish injustice, ensure domestic chaos, provide for the undefended borders, promote the gargantuan welfare rolls, and secure the blessings of liberal totalitarian fascist cronyism(birm) exclusively to your psychopathically narcissistic selves and your posterior smoochers.
But remember well: We've got a Constitution — We did built that. Nobody else made that happen — not you, nor any of your fellow extremists and despotic terrorist pals.
Violate its congressional and presidential elections provisions at your own peril.
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), insane liberals (BIRM), lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), lawless liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, Worst. pResident. Ever.