Monday, September 29, 2014 |
Jesus: "Love God with all you heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself." Mohamhead: "Believe as I do or be beheaded. Your quote-unquote choice."
slam is at war with you. You don't have to imagine how you'd fare in any state run by its true believers. Current news is replete with examples of it. Kidnappings, beheadings, forced conversions, terrorism, massacres, Final Solution Part Deux. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting one of its innumerable victims. The top synonym for islam is atrocity. Death is its eternal watchword. Its main principles are stoning loose women, hanging homosexuals, and otherwise killing everybody who doesn't submit to its absolute and uncompromising commands. Yes, you can publish a cartoon of Jesus holding a bacon-wrapped Holy Bible in his left hand and you won't have to spend the rest of your life in hiding trying to avoid countless Christian Death Squads™. But try that with Mohamhock (Beasts Pee Upon Him)®. Just make sure all your affairs are in order first. So why do liberofascists literally fall all over themselves to make excuses and provide cover for this clear and present crime against humanity? Rather than delving into the mindset of the insane in order to attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible, we need look no further than their common hatreds to find the answer. The United States of America and her citizens' personal freedom and Christian heritage, their defense of the weak and innocent, along with their willingness and ability to rise up as one and put together and launch effective offenses against the forces of tyranny and its unjust aggressions, are all barriers to those feverish dreams of universal conquest the fanatical leaders of both islam and liberofascism share. Each has met the enemy and he is you. You show them tolerance. They repay with more demands and violence. You go out of your way not to offend them. They turn your workplace into the next politically-correct slaughterhouse. You patiently respond to another of their endless complaints. They shout you down and call you an islamophobe and racist. You try to appease them. They continue building weapons designed to destroy you. Totalitarian-loving liberals(birm) appreciate all the chaos and mayhem Moongodhead (Porkbellies Be Upon Him)'s malignant misleaders progressively cause and wish they could be more like them. Mohatred (Slabs O' Bacon Be Upon Him)'s genocidal goat-bothering goons appreciate every green light the usefuliberal idiots' misleaders reflexively switch on for their "protected class" and wish they could behead all of them. Both understand nothing but merciless force. They crave nothing but ultimate power. If we wish to win this total war they've declared on all of us, we must give them this one and only choice: You surrender unconditionally or what we did to national-socialist Germany and imperial Japan will look like a ruddy fender bender next to the things we're about to do to you. Like every other cancer, they must be completely eradicated. Otherwise they'll return with a vengeance and rapidly kill us.
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, Democrat War on Americans, inconvenient facts, insane liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, Obama Is THE National Security Threat, Religion of Decease, World War IV

Thursday, September 25, 2014 |
...or Ja, staatliche Zensur des Christentums ist Verfassungs, if you prefer that in the original German.
reat. Now yes we can give orders to remove all muslim books, books by muslim authors, and books by muslim publishers from "our state-authorized lending shelves." Right, Superintendent Kathleen Hermsmeyer Schulinspektor Heinrike Himmlermeyer? Let's see what other "sectarian materials" yes we can "not allow" on them. Given there's far more empirical evidence supporting the accounts of actual man-caused doom and suffering found in Christianity's most sacred texts than supporting those of such found in Climate Disruptionity's most recent revised reports, yes we can say all books, authors, and publishers deemed to be professing the latter faith are even more clearly religious in nature and, thus, may never be allowed to come in contact with anything authorized by the Almighty State (Peeps Be Under It)™. Sounds like a great slope. Looks to be very slippery, too. No doubt the folks at Springs Charter Schools of Temecula, California are extremely proud of it as well.
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), Democrat War on Americans, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), lawless liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, more liberal intolerance, Outlaw Government Schools NOW

Monday, September 15, 2014 |
Long time passing....
Civilian Labor Force Participation Rate - 25 to 54 yearsPresident | Months in office | Average % | Low - High |
George Bush | 48 | 79.1 | 78.2 - 80.2 | B J al-Qlinton | 96 | 80.4 | 78.1 - 81.9 | George W. Bush | 96 | 79.4 | 77.0 - 81.3 | B'Hussein al-Qbama | 67 | 75.6 | 74.8 - 76.8 | iven all his failed economic policies, it's absolutely not surprising al-Qbama's monthly percentage still has never surpassed even George W. Bush's lowest. For the 29 months that remain of his starring in our long, national nightmare, al-Qbama's percentage would have to jump to and stay at an unprecedented 88.2 percent just for his to equal President Bush's final average. Can you say "no hope"? How about "only change for the worse"? Below are the rates before being "seasonally adjusted" by his Øbaminions. They paint an even grimmer picture. Moreover, a substantial number of women were increasingly working full time before Øbysmal's so-called presidency. Now only 71 percent of women are doing so. The last time that rate was so low, BiIsIs al-Qlinton was in the White Double-Wide House. Still, you shouldn't be surprised by his and his party's malevolent malignancy. Even before jobs-killing Democrooks took over Congress in the middle of President Bush's second term, they sabotaged the housing market and wrecked our economy just so they could blame it on him and win the 2008 election. They revel in causing you misery. Welcome to the Demøcriminal war on working Americans. With their illegal, cheap mercenary laborers/voters pouring across our border, they're bound and determined that we the law-abiding people of the United States all become casualties. Until we rise up and defeat them, it's their world. You just lose your good-paying job in it.
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), Democrat War on Americans, inconvenient facts, liberals are always extreme, neither Hope nor Change, ObaDunce FAILS, Where's the Fence?, Worst. pResident. Ever.

Friday, September 12, 2014 |
Impeach. Holder. Now.
subordinate of Eric Holder in the so-called Justice Department who makes or attempts to make deals with congressional Democrooks to "obfuscate and prejudice" the investigative work of a committee of Congress "through under the table coordination," is guilty of committing at least two felonies. - 18 U.S.C. 1505
- Whoever corruptly... influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede... the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress— Shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years..., or both.
- 18 U.S.C. 371
- If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
Eric the Bad has already been held in contempt of Congress. Except for the fact we now live in a lawless banana republic, the House of Representatives would order its Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest him. Nonetheless, unless he immediately brings charges against his felony-committing underling, the Congress must conclude that Eric the Crooked wholly condones this criminal behavior in his department and proceed to impeach and convict him for obstructing and conspiring to obstruct our legislative branch of government.
Labels: a Republic if we can keep it, Democrat War on Americans, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), lawless liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, Obamabuse of Power

Monday, September 08, 2014 |
Obama: "Stand Down. I've been shipping them arms and don't want that to come out. Besides, it's past my bedtime. I've got a flight in the morning to see Beyoncé and do some fundraising. But let me know when those bumps in the road Americans' bodies come home. I want to be there so yes I can look all saddened and concerned. For Teh Optics™, you know. Afterwards I'll attend another fundraiser, of course."
The Obama administration's behavior post Benghazi has been weird. Like they're trying to hide something. First that silly story about that video. Remember Susan Rice on all the Sunday talk shows? Even President Obama kept talking about the video for weeks. So FOX continued to press for information.... A few weeks later when FOX news reporter Jennifer Griffin said she was told there was a stand-down order at Benghazi, I got a weird call from the Obama administration trying to pressure me to get Jennifer to back down on her report. I thought the call from the Obama administration was dirty. Incidentally, I don't control my colleagues and they don't control me.
Less than two hours after the [#BringBackOurBumpsInTheRoad] ceremony, Obama took his motorcade on an unscheduled trip to the Democratic Party headquarters to hold political meetings. In the evening, he planned to attend a previously arranged fundraiser in Washington. The transfer of remains came three days after an attack on the consulate, one of a series of assaults on U.S. outposts in Muslim countries that U.S. officials [lyingly] blame on an anti-Muslim video made in the United States.
araq bin Hussein al-Qbama "knows that he has the ability — the extraordinary, uncanny ability — to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them"? Really? But he can't make sense out of the public outrage over his callous disregard for — boredom with, even — American lives brutally snuffed out by his coddled, islamofascist pals? Obama claimed he didn't know about the bugging of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, or about the National Security Agency snooping on other allied leaders and tens of millions of foreign citizens, or about the Fast and Furious gun-running debacle, or about the facts surrounding the attack on the American outpost in Benghazi, or about the flaws with the ObamaCare website, or about the IRS holding up tax-exempt applications of tea party groups prior to the 2012 election. Perhaps Obama — perennially "bored to death" and with talents so "extraordinary" that he has "never been challenged intellectually" — found all of the above issues cerebrally unchallenging and intrinsically boring. Said Obama, regarding the IRS' targeting of tea party groups, "I first learned about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this." The German periodical Bild am Sonntag, citing U.S. intelligence sources, reported that the NSA chief, Army Gen. Keith Alexander, briefed Obama on the Merkel wiretaps in 2010. Obama can't recall the briefing. Perhaps he was "bored to death" and/or inadequately "challenged intellectually" by Gen. Alexander's briefing.
Perhaps after al-Qaeda/ISIS terrorists infiltrate our country through El Paso, thanks to Ølawless' open-borders policy undocumented Demmigrant-voter registration drive, and attack and butcher us on our own soil, he'll wait a whole thirty minutes instead of twenty before speeding off to the golf course following another of his insipid Appalled & Saddened Speeches®. After all, no we can't have him "doing what other people do" — like caring about fellow citizens and their safety — because "he's just too talented" for that. And if you think that yes we can, then you're probably a racist.
Labels: islamofascist terrorist attacks on American soil (blame Obama), liberals are always extreme, Obama Is THE National Security Threat, Obama Lied Our Ambassador Died, World War IV, Worst. pResident. Ever.

Saturday, September 06, 2014 | for the Coward-in-Chief to do nothing but pathetically stammer, lyingly BlameBush!®, and otherwise make even less sense than he regularly does.
o, now B'Hussein al-Qbama can "shrink" that evil incarnate "to the point where it is a manageable problem"? Or does he think feel with aircraft alone he can "degrade and destroy" it? Perhaps his strategy is simply to keep confusing the enemy with unprecedented nonsense until they become so bewildered they'll have no choice but to throw up their hands, pack away their butcher knives, and slither back to hell. It took him seven years, but Øtraitor's finally helped turned Senate Democrook Misleader Harry Reid's "this war is lost" pronouncement into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Leave it to these dimmest bulbs of the Dimocrat Party to snatch utter defeat from this war's jaws of all-but-assured victory. After all, they won't even call it the War on Terror. To them it's all just some overseas contingency operation on some man-caused disaster. Thanks again, fiddy-oners. You have collectivistly earned our enemy's undying gratitude.
Labels: al-Qaeda in Iraq, al-Qaedaqratic Party, Deranged Extremist Moonbat Obdurate Craven Retarded Appeasing Traitorous Slime (DEMOCRATS), liberals are always extreme, World War IV, Worst. pResident. Ever.

Thursday, September 04, 2014 |
Benedict Øbarnold's treason against the United States consists of adhering to "moderate [sic] opposition" al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria and Libya, giving them aid and comfort for at least two years.
here are, yes, more than two witnesses who can offer testimony to the same overt act. About seven billion more. The whole world saw Øtraitor openly confess his material support of these terrorist enemies of the United States and all her allies. Thanks to that support, our mortal enemy was able to not only launch horrific, mass-murderous blitzkriegs across the Middle East, but establish a military beachhead right along our country's southern border. Indeed, the latter never would've been possible without Øbetrayus and his Demøcrook accomplices' extremely helpful efforts to leave that border wide open for enemy attacks. The only thing they forget to deliver into our enemy's hands were formal invitations embossed with the White House and Demøfascist Party's logos. It explains the Betrayer-in-Chief's half-hearted measures to "degrade and destroy" make our country's most bloodthirsty enemy ever, "a manageable problem." Remember his 2012 campaign slogan, "Forward!"? Now we know it meant our country's enemies too. Constitution of the United States Article III, Section 3 Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted. Article II, Section 4 The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, anti-America liberals (BIRM), Democrat War on Americans, lawless liberals (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, liberals are always extreme, Obama's War on America, treason, World War IV

Tuesday, September 02, 2014 |
aracrook Øloafer is your typical public-sector union "worker." (Motto: Never do today what yes we can put off till tomorrow.) Except in the slacker-in-chief's case, he's taken that to the extreme. Even after having been "given detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of the Islamic State as part of his daily briefing for at least a year before the group seized large swaths of territory [in the Middle East] over the summer," His Bumness still hasn't come up with a strategy yet to crush and totally defeat this mortal enemy of the American people. (Øbamotto™: Never do this year what yes We can put off till next year.) Make no mistake: It's hard to sit down and read daily security briefings when you're constantly out playing golf, vacationing, and/or fundraising, all on the taxpayers' dime. But if he thinks feels his "job" requires him to actually discuss anything with the briefers and ask them questions, and perhaps even "work" out with them viable or effective responses to any clear and present dangers, he's done an even "better" job of hiding it. So what that al-Qaeda terrorists have been implementing their long-established strategy of sawing off heads of American journalists while conquering territory His Cut-and-Runness purposefully left unprotected? Those golf balls don't hit themselves, you know. Thanks, fiddy-oners. When al-Qaeda terrorists cross Øfascist's Open Border® and blow you or your loved ones to bits, try to remember — between your wails of pain and grief — that vote you cast for him two years ago. Not that he'll care anymore about people like you then, either.
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, Democrat War on Americans, Liberalism Kills, liberals are always extreme, The Great Death Knell of 2012, unpatriotic liberals (BIRM), World War IV, Worst. pResident. Ever.
