Saturday, August 16, 2014 |
"Terrorists on Teh Run™ Another Rampage™. Period. Full stop."
“Now more women and children have been carted off into slavery and 90 men executed by the brutal Islamic State
militants [terrorists], making a mockery of Obama’s [
'horsesh*t'] victory claim.”
–Conservative Tribune
he Caliphate-enabler-in-Chief has far better things to do than personally lead a visibly strong U.S. response to the islamofascist terrorist enemy's child-beheading blitzkrieg across the Middle East. Like golf. And hobnobbing with one-percenters at Martha's Vineyard. And, of course, attending fundraisers.
Everybody knows the criticizers only criticize him because he's half-white black. They just want to deny him his constitutional right to play at least 200 rounds of golf before he leaves office the congressional midterms.
Look at what all the Øbamilitant extremistration is doing while its beloved führer makes the extreme personal sacrifice of immersing himself for weeks in his own fair share of exorbitant opulence.
OK. Look harder.
No, really hard.
- Hey Barack Hussein Obama, way to go fella, now we once again see that your so called "breaking of the siege" at Mt. Sinjar was more of your lies and propaganda — and this time more people had to unfortunately die as ISIS made their point in mocking you. You Sir, Mr. President are a piece of work and as I previously stated, an inhumane coward. Enjoy your vacation, dance the night away, play more golf but just know that you are an abject failure and just like Bill Clinton enabled the Taliban and al-Qaida to rise — so it goes on your watch.
See? It's succeeding at getting the islamofascist terrorist enemy to come up with even stronger ways to mock him than before.
And those criticizers didn't think that could be done. Just proves what a load of equine fecal matter that was!
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, al-Qaeda in Iraq, anti-America liberals (BIRM), Appeaser in Chief, liberals are always extreme, ObAWOL, Suicidemocrats, treason, World War IV, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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