"A devastating new report by the HHS Inspector General suggests 1.3 million Obamacare recipients out of the 8 million enrolled may be illegal aliens."
hat's at least the second time, Your Mendacity, that your deeds, not your words, have proved Rep. Joe Wilson was speaking truth to your abuse of power.
- During a 2009 address to a joint session of Congress... the president pledged that the healthcare reform law would not cover illegal immigrants, prompting Wilson to shout, "You lie!"
No doubt, given all the lice, scabies, tuberculosis, and other highly contagious maladies your zero-prescreened, unaccompanied abandoned illegal alien kiddies are flooding our land with, you'll come out and say lie that they should get that coverage you "pledged" they wouldn't get. While disregarding the fact your lawlessness is what keeps driving them here, of course.
Make no mistake: You don't care about the American people at all. Period. Full Stop.
If you possessed even an ounce of decency or honor — certainly, the Biggest. If. Ever. — you would immediately apologize to all the American people for the extreme harm you've done both to them and to their country, then resign so you couldn't do any more of it.
Okay, I admit, an ounce is way too unreasonable. How about, say, just a single molecule?
A proton?
An Øbraincell? (Have to stop there because science has yet to discover anything smaller.)
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, heartless liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), Obama's War on Hispanics, socialist injustice, treason, Where's the Fence?

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