Over three quarters of a million new part-time jobs. Over half a million full-time jobs lost. Over a quarter of a million more Americans not in the workforce anymore. Real wages still stagnant.... But "Jobs Boom!™" and "6.1 Percent!™" and "Brisk Clip!™" and "Forward!!111!!!!ONEELEVENT1E!1!!!1!™"
he Øbamanjuiceguzzling Media® are having simulatenous Øbagasms. After a hopelessly recessionary negative three percent Change™ in this year's first-quarter Gross Domestic Product, a worsening economy for which they're still making implausible excuses (e.g., Winter Be Cold, or something), they'd become desperate to find a way to rekindle the spark in their Øbamarriage. No matter you have to go back to Jimmy Carter Malaise Days™ to find a lower workforce-participation rate. No matter you have to go back to Teh Evil McBushitler Haliburton Hegemony Horrors (© 2001-2008 DNC) to find a lower "official" unemployment rate or a higher semiannual "jobs"- Three Letter Word-creation rate. No matter, even, it took their Øbridegroom "only" five long, wasted years to bring the number of Americans out of work over six months back down to what it was when he first entered office. No, what matters to them are "6.1 Percent!™" and other phony spasms.
Really, ØMG Media. The next time your heads start to spin around such Ødismal numbers, do everybody a favor:
Get a room.
Labels: AWOLstream media, Democrat War on Americans, dinosaur media, DNC-team Media, economic terrorist enemy (aka Democrats), liberals are always extreme, Obama kills more jobs, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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