Film at eleven.
he media on that side are, to put it politely, overtly ignorant.
If our solar system had a Mt. Ignorance named felicitously in their honor, Rep. Jackson-Lee, D-Outer Space, would be asking NASA officials whether "a mere speed bump like Olympus Mons" could obstruct a rover's view of those flags our astronauts planted on the Red Planet.
If a laboratory could create an element as dense as them — call it idiotardium — a yoctogram of it would be sufficient to yank Jupiter and all the other gas giants out of their orbits.
If the San Andreas Fault equaled that in each one's reasoning, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Dementia, would be setting up land scams up and down Nevada's Pacific coastline.
If medical science systematically studied their brainwave activity, the term "persistent vegetative state" would be redefined to mean "not as bad as it gets."
If a Geiger counter could be calibrated to detect radioactive stupidity, switching it on anywhere within a thousand-mile radius of the New York Slimes building would instantly break its meter.
If neuroelectricity could be harnessed to power a Taser, the total wattage inside all their craniums combined just might make it useful for mildly annoying a runt-sized amoeba.
If the amount of sense they make could be transformed into a steady stream of water, it would take between now and the ending of the universe before it halfway filled up the Smallest. Thimble. Ever.
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), clue-challenged liberals (BIRM), grossly negligent liberals (BIRM), idiot liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, minionstream media, miserably failing liberals (BIRM)

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