Øbarbarian at our gates.
hief! That's what you call somebody who "borrows" whatever isn't his without the owner's permission. Not that an irredeemably rude, ill-mannered, slimy, disrespectful, lying, self-entitled, crude, thoughtless, inconsiderate, law-breaking, back-stabbing, scum-IVing reprobate and career criminal would know anything about that. He just greedily takes anything he "thinks" feels should be his. In his always self-serving "mind," only he deserves to have it now, not those to whom the law (or a constitution) says it belongs.
If this were Saudi Arabia, Baracrook Hussein Ølawless wouldn't be picking up any pens or any phones except with one of his prosthetic hands.
Even the most incompetent "constitutional law professor" knows or should know that separation of powers — that bedrock principle on which the foundation of a free people's government is laid — means no branch of government may ever exercise any power vested in one of the others, nor ever consent to either of them exercising any vested in it. Our Constitution alone provides for every vestment of granted power in each of the three branches; and since the owners of all such powers are the people, a branch may neither borrow from nor lend to another any of the powers they vested in it. That is, not without their permission, which they express solely by that document or a properly ratified amendment to it.
Thus, the only place a Borrowed Powers Clause exists is in the terminally diseased "brains" of oath-violating Despotcrat misleaders or other extremely corrupt and tyrannical National Socialist fascists.
Labels: death of Freedom, Democrat War on Americans, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Impeach.Obama.Now., inconvenient facts, lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, Obamabuse of Power

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