Newspeak's new cover story on Øfascist's wide disapproval.
y liberaleftistyrant "standards," anybody who doesn't fawningly approve of everything Øbamadman does is a vile racist. These "standards" apply in reverse as well. Five years ago, when a large number of Americans seemingly approved of his fascistic, big-government bailouts and takeovers, Newspeak not only thought felt none of them were racists, but boldly proclaimed on one of its covers "we are all socialists now."
But today, with an ever increasing majority of Americans disapproving of Øbutthurt's extremely miserable performance, not to mention his irritatingly incessant whining about it and shifting of blame, other publications that previously endorsed him have begun boldly proclaiming "we were wrong."
For the liberaleftistyrants at Newspeak and elsewhere, there can be only one explanation for this: An ever increasing majority of Americans are vile racists.
Don't you just love how their so-called standards have completely destroyed the true meaning of that word?
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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