Øtraitor didn't really negotiate with terrorists. He just totally complied with all of their demands. Period. Full stop.
here's "euphoria" over the release of a turncoat from his terrorist "captors," all right. Except only the terrorists are feeling it.
The only thing Benedick Øbarnold did — unilaterally — was swap five top-level terrorist commanders for just one of their lowly foot soldiers. Some "trade." Were this World War II instead of IV, it would be like President Roosevelt giving the Nazis five of their generals in exchange for a single German buck private.
Remember, "Sgt." Bowe Bergdahl did not, in fact, get "captured" by the terrorists, he knowingly and willingly went over to their side. He purposefully sought them out with full intention of joining them; and once found, join them he did. He then aided the enemy by teaching them how to increase the deadliness of the explosive devices they use against our Troops. He also comforted the enemy by freely spouting their propaganda in videos. He is a traitor, not a hero. His only distinction is exhibiting, from start to finish, a complete lack of honor for the nation and her people and flag he swore to defend. Traitors in our past were justifiably executed for far less cause.
Now we have an alleged "president" who clearly has deserted the obligations of a law he himself signed and swore to faithfully execute "so help him allah God," abandoned his duty to properly notify Congress regarding any and all transfers of enemy prisoners, gone out and sought contact with the enemy in hopes of offering them his services, given the enemy greater capability to defeat our Troops on the battlefield, and in sum, aided and comforted the enemy in the most useful ways possible.
Is it any wonder Øfascist feels such a huggable affinity for this coat-turning, enemy buck private?
More importantly, did Øliar actually "think" feel this "euphoric trade" would distract us from his miserably failed VA government health "care," disastrous economic policies, willful outing of a top CIA agent, etc., etc.?
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, al-Qaedaqratic Party, Democrat War on Americans, Impeach.Obama.Now., lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, treason, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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