How brave. Way to champion the interests of Republican voters!
hat kind of monsters would consciously stoop so low as to accuse God-fearing, America-loving, Constitution-defending Republican voters, traumatized by the other party's brutal rape of our liberties and nation, of somehow promoting or enhancing the revolting relics of Slavery-Era racism to horrendously assault and violate their fellow citizens' fundamental rights? Especially when it's based not on any real, allowable evidence but solely on unsourced hearsay, poisonous innuendo, self-serving generalizations, as well as maliciously libelous swipes at their grassroots movements?
Clearly an extremely cruel and sadistic kind. The only insult they forgot to lob the Republican voters' way was "what difference, at this point, is there between them and Hitler?"!
Luckily for Republican voters everywhere, the GOP isn't allowed to violate election law in any jurisdiction in the land.
Unluckily for the American people, these monsters stubbornly refuse to go away. It's up to truth tellers to leave them no other choice than ignominiously slither back forever down to the perfidiously putrid depths whence they came.
”A McDaniel legal challenge may turn that [corrupt] over-confident Cochran smile upside down if a court upon going over the ballots determine[s] that enough [Cochran bought and paid for Democrats] voted on Tuesday that also voted three weeks ago in the Democratic primary. This is a violation of [Mississippi] state voting law because they are forbidden from voting in Tuesday’s [run-off] election.“
Labels: a Republic if we can keep it, Democrat War on Americans, desperate liberals (BIRM), lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), socialist injustice

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