How brave. Way to champion the rights of raped little girls! (
Cold Fury)
hat kind of monster would consciously stoop so low as to accuse a very scared 12-year-old girl, traumatized for life by a brutal rape, of somehow provoking or enticing a sickening sac of "human" sewage to horrendously assault and violate her? Especially when it's based not on any real, allowable evidence but solely on unsourced hearsay, poisonous innuendo, self-serving generalizations, as well as maliciously libelous swipes at the victim's family?
Clearly an extremely cruel and sadistic kind. The only insult she forgot to lob the rape victim's way was "what difference, at this point, does it make?"!
Luckily for raped little girls everywhere, the Hildabeast isn't allowed to practice law anymore in any court in the land.
Unluckily for the American people, this monster stubbornly refuses to go away. It's up to truth tellers to leave her no other choice than ignominiously slither back forever down to the perfidiously putrid depths whence she came.
“The victim said if she saw Clinton today, she would call her out for what she sees as the hypocrisy of Clinton’s current campaign to fight for women’s rights compared to her actions regarding this rape case so long ago.
“‘I would say (to Clinton), “You took a case of mine in ’75, you lied on me... I realize the truth now, the heart of what you’ve done to me. And you are supposed to be for women? You call that (being) for women, what you done to me? And I hear you on tape laughing.”’”
Labels: corrupt Democrats (BIRM), criminals' Bestest.Friends.Ever., Democrat War on Americans, Democrat War on Children, liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), more liberal hypocrisy, videos

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