"Top 10 May snow event for the Denver metro area"
iven how we're on track to experiencing the coldest year on record in the United States, it's no real surprise. No surprise either that Global Warming True-Believers™ are scrambling to rebrand their "consenscience" religion. For the second time in 17 years, they're replacing the sign in front of their Temple of Global Warming. Instead of "Church of Climate Change," it now says "Tabernacle of Climate Disruption®."
What difference, at this point, does it make? Not much. Their cathedrals of gloom and doom and of controlling the masses are crumbling before their eyes. So it's time to ratchet up Teh Scare™ in order to bring in new worshipers even more gullible than the ones still kneeling before its fiery altar.
Labels: corrupt Democrats (BIRM), Democrat War on Americans, g'liberal warming, idiot liberals (BIRM), inconvenient facts, liberalism: THE ideology of fear, liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM)

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