Judge them by what they do, not what they say.
ecause of petty partisan politics, lies-telling lying Øliar and his fellow Veteran-hating Democrooks in the Senate opposed last year's bipartisan House bill that would've reduced the backlog problems that are literally killing our sick Veterans. But these haters are more interested in scoring political points than saving the lives of any of our Veterans. Yeah, a real shocker. One area of commonality for [House] Republicans and Democrats was the need to get the VA to reduce its backlog of disability claims. The VA has been widely criticized for making more than 800,000 veterans wait for decisions about their benefits, with most of these veterans waiting longer than the 125-day deadline that the VA has set as a goal for handling claims. The bill includes new funding to help the VA work through these claims. "The bill includes funding that will jumpstart efforts to clean up the backlog and force DOD and VA to get moving on a system that should have been in place years ago," House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) said during the debate. But in addition to that carrot, the House also include a few "stick" measures, including an amendment that would cut the salaries of senior VA officials unless the backlog is reduced. The House also approved amendments to block bonus awards for these officials and strip the VA of $10 million in funds it would normally use for conferences. Instead, that $10 million would go to process disability claims more quickly.
"No, we can't cut Secretary Shinseki's salary. No, we can't cut his or his staff's 'conference' trips to the hottest vacation spots. No, we can't cut any of their exorbitant bonuses. He and they are doing such wonderful jobs!" That was one of the two main reasons they opposed the bill. The other is they hate our Veterans. House passage sends the bill to the Senate, but given the uncertainty about the budget and the process for handling spending bills this year, it's not clear whether or when the Senate will consider it.
Given how much Demøfascists in the Senate and White House hate our Veterans and love their government perks, it's very clear. They'll consider reducing those backlogs as soon as ten feet of snow Climate Change® blanket every square inch of Hell. Earlier this week, the Obama administration said it would veto the bill....
Because it hates our Veterans and loves its extremely generous perks. Now go crawl off and die quickly, Veterans. You're cramping Øfascist's and his Senate rubber-stampers' style.
Labels: Democrat War on Veterans, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, Obama hates military people, Obama's War on Veterans, ObAWOL, treason

Because, Øbama whines, it puts fascist totalitarians like them "at a disadvantage."
ake no mistake, the putzident would that it read— I the Tyrant of the United States, in order to form a more absolute dictatorship, establish just us Democrats in permanent power, insure domestic spying on My political enemies, provide for the gutted defense, promote the generous welfare handout, and secure the bossiness of liberalism to Myself and My Democrat Party, do with My phone and My pen profane and abolish the old Constitution for the United States of America and in lieu thereof insert the following: Article I. Section 1. All legislative, executive, and judicial powers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be vested in Me. Section 2. I shall have power to do anything I wish, at any time and any place and in any manner I may wish to do it. Article II. I shall never be removed from office. Period! Done in a golf course clubhouse by My consent the twenty-fourth day of May in the Year of Me fifty-three and of the despotism of the United States of America the sixth. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed My Name,
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, desperate liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), greedy and selfish liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, more liberal hypocrisy, treason

Striking a Faustian bargain.
urrendering to liberogressives the total redistribution of wealth they desire, without gaining any concessions from them in return, would be worse than selling our free-market souls to the devil. At least the tragic Dr. Faustus had something tangible, albeit temporary, to show for his diurnalish pact with Mephistopheles. No, our bargain entails only a sip of redistributional hell for the eternal bliss of no more income taxes. The fair tax's prebate feature already gives us a drop of that hell by refunding in advance the amount of national retail sales tax families will be paying respectively each month on their purchases of basic needs: The larger the family, the larger the prebate. However, public assistance programs still would be required for impoverished families. But by taking the full sip, our bargain eliminates those separate entitlements along with all their attendant agencies, not only making government less bloated but freeing lower-income families from their servile dependence on that political class most committed to doling out other people's money. Instead of tax prebates, the fair tax would incorporate payments equivalent to all purchases of essential goods and services by America's families plus the national retail sales tax on them. Each household, regardless its income, receives this necessities allowance based on how many valid Social Security cardholders reside there. This is our side of the bargain. In exchange, the servants of redistribution give us a land totally purged of all other federal taxes, whether on incomes, gifts, capital gains, or estates, as well as Social Security withholdings. Finally, by forfeiting a tiny bit more of our souls, we may increase the allowance to include purchase of basic health care plans, thus ridding our land of every Øfascist"Care" malignancy too. Moreover, since every American's basic purchases are compensated, there would be no need to continue separately feeding the Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid bureaucracies. We'll eliminate those middlemonsters also, and pass the savings on to you, the American people. There are, nevertheless, several market-force realities that must be taken into account before striking such a bargain. When every citizen or legal resident starts each month with the same minimum amount of money to spend, there's a substantial risk of having too many dollars chasing too few goods and services. The trick is to make the fair tax not just revenue neutral but spending neutral as well. Entitlement programs already transfer an ungodly portion of that amount, either directly or indirectly, to grocery stores, doctors, day care centers, etc., etc. But if we're no longer paying the swarms of federal officers currently sent hither to harass our people and eat out their substance — aka bureaucrats — then the exorbitant salaries, perks, and bonuses they receive won't be coming from their big fat Civil Service paychecks but from their finding and working real jobs in the private sector. That is, the woefully few who can actually become qualified and valuable enough to be paid the same amount there. This would automatically result in a drastic pay cut for almost every member of that swarm, which would help offset the amount of money entering the economy via the necessities allowance. In addition, nearly all of Washington, D.C. would be rendered utterly a barren wasteland after the luscious and luxurious overhead formerly enjoyed by those swarmers falls victim to the bulldozer; although several nice, empty parks could be planted in its place. The total amount of money the federal government may justifiably take from us then would be far less than what it steals, borrows, cheats, and extorts from us now, while the total amount of money hemorrhaging out of it would be correspondingly reduced. It means both a smaller and a much more efficient and effectual federal government. Something every American should welcome. If the above is able to sufficiently forestall any inflationary effects otherwise stemming from the necessities allowance, ours is a bargain from which we wouldn't have to wait 24 years before seeing very real benefits.
Labels: annihilating liberalism, Fair Tax, non-liberal ideas (aka Good Ideas), Sealing the fate of freedom's enemies

s Baracrook Øliar "doing everything I can" to secure the release of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the PTSD-suffering Marine who's been unjustly arrested and cruelly imprisoned by Mexico's corrupt federal police? Perhaps Øliar should "promise" Mexico, "If you like our Marine, you can keep our Marine, period!" Then, undoubtedly, Sgt. Tahmooressi would be freed from this nightmare tomorrow. Øliar has already kept our Marine on a secret waiting list for 53 days. Will Øliar "not stand for it" and "not tolerate it, period!" now?
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), Democrat War on Americans, liberals are always extreme, our Freedoms' Defenders, out-of-touch liberals (BIRM), socialist injustice, Worst. pResident. Ever.

Bigotry is bad.
he biological purists argue that marriage is naturally between one man and one woman of different families, that it is meant to support a naturally stable structure in which children are created and raised and by which our species best propagates and thrives. A few well-shopped jurists have said, in effect, "What do the laws of nature and of nature's God know?" Marriage, they and other non-biological purists counter, is between any two (or more) consenting persons. Whether opposite-sex, same-sex, or even same-kin, it should not matter. The homophobes, incestophobes, and other bigots have no case under the laws of enlightened nations. With the issue being defined in terms of rights, not nature, it won't be long before all persons are free to choose to marry whomever they respectively wish. A man may marry his father(s), his adult brother(s), and/or his adult son(s); a woman her mother(s), adult sister(s), and/or adult daughter(s). Similarly, a woman may marry her father(s), her adult brother(s), and/or her adult son(s); a man his mother(s), adult sister(s), and/or adult daughter(s). Their right to choose should not be curtailed by bigotry, superstition, or fear. We all have heard the propaganda of incestophobes that a same-kin marriage is more likely to produce physically or mentally challenged children than a non-kin one. "Inbreeding" is the derogatory term they use. Yet their beliefs are based solely on historical anecdote or biased "studies" that allegedly show the "dangers" of it; and their clichés and stereotypes promote only ignorance and hatred. Of course, such "concerns" are irrelevant with respect to same-sex-same-kin marriages. Our modern view of tolerance demands that anything goes. Nothing should stop it. This is becoming especially true for the evolving construct of marriage.
Labels: annihilating liberalism, Democrat War on Americans, extremely irresponsible liberals (BIRM), godless liberals (BIRM), greedy and selfish liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, Suicidemocrats

Deprived and prejudice.
emember, in 2010, Hispanic activists in San Antonio said not letting people smoke at work is racist, too. So what is a control-freak nanny statist to do? Any hiring or employment practice that adversely and disproportionately affects minority groups is prima facie evidence of racial discrimination. Yet being able to tell people what they can't do both at home and at work is orgasmically A Good Thing™. But if activists start claiming that testing for nicotine use amounts to racial profiling, you risk being hauled into courts of law and public opinion, defending yourself against multiple lawsuits and irreparably bad publicity. Picture "Teh Revs." Jackson, Sharpton et al. showing up at your door and saying, "Nice business you have here. Shame if someone like me happened to call it racist!" It's a conundrum. Sure, you could present facts and data to support your reasons for engaging in this discriminatory practice. But that won't matter. Once it's beset with the "allegedly racist" label, you'll never hear the end of it until — and likely even after — you ditch it. Best you can do is make exceptions for any "poorer individuals, including those from minority groups, who, under a ban on employees who smoke, will lose the opportunity to work for an employer that offers health insurance, long-term advancement, and retirement benefits." You still get to tell unprotected non-minority/non-lower income employees what they can't do outside the workplace. Win-win!
Labels: fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberal hypocrites (BIRM), liberal racism, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, Nation of lawyers, socialist injustice, Victimhood Inc.

You see, If with me You disagree, Your speech will be No longer free. | | –Democrook Senate Overlord |
he Heritage Foundation's Hans von Spakovsky explains: Reid displays no concern whatsoever over the many liberals, such as George Soros and Tom Steyer, who spend enormous amounts of money in the political field. Or the many unions that support Reid and his political party almost exclusively and who, as Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal has pointed out, spend far more on political campaigns than the Koch brothers. Although the amendment sponsored by Udall and supported by Reid would limit fundraising and spending on political speech for Americans, there is one glaring exception in the amendment: It would not apply to the press. The New York Times and MSNBC could continue to spend as much money, newsprint and airtime as they want supporting liberal candidates and attacking conservatives, but other non-media corporations would be strictly limited in what they could do, including conservative advocacy organizations such as the NRA and Heritage Action, which are nonprofits. Candidates and ordinary Americans who wanted to fight back against the attacks of the liberal mainstream media would have their hands tied by a Congress filled with members who want to make sure individuals trying to unseat them (and their supporters) are strictly limited in the amount they could spend to publicly criticize them. Reid seems to disagree with Benjamin Franklin, who wrote that "freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government." And for those who say that restricting the money that can be spent on political speech and activity is not the same as limiting speech, that is like saying that the government limiting the amount of newsprint a newspaper can buy does not limit the newspaper's speech. It is a nonsensical argument — just like the arguments being made by Reid to cull the most important amendment in the Bill of Rights.
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, greedy and selfish liberals (BIRM), insane liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, more liberal hypocrisy, socialist injustice, thieving liberals (BIRM), treason

The alleged "news" media should be ashamed.
he media's handling of Watergate — a small-time burglary during which no one was killed or hurt — amounted to Whoop Nixon's Ass! The same media's handling of Benghazi — a bloody, full-blown battle during which four very brave and dedicated public servants lost their lives, all because of the White House and State Department's unforgivably willful, gross negligence and extremely dangerous incompetence — amounts to Save Obama's Ass!™
Labels: AWOLstream media, dinosaur media, DNC-team Media, islamofascist terrorist attacks on American soil (blame Obama), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), videos, Worst. pResident. Ever.

"Top 10 May snow event for the Denver metro area"
iven how we're on track to experiencing the coldest year on record in the United States, it's no real surprise. No surprise either that Global Warming True-Believers™ are scrambling to rebrand their "consenscience" religion. For the second time in 17 years, they're replacing the sign in front of their Temple of Global Warming. Instead of "Church of Climate Change," it now says "Tabernacle of Climate Disruption®." What difference, at this point, does it make? Not much. Their cathedrals of gloom and doom and of controlling the masses are crumbling before their eyes. So it's time to ratchet up Teh Scare™ in order to bring in new worshipers even more gullible than the ones still kneeling before its fiery altar.
Labels: corrupt Democrats (BIRM), Democrat War on Americans, g'liberal warming, idiot liberals (BIRM), inconvenient facts, liberalism: THE ideology of fear, liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM)

"They are one of the main causes of [glowbull worming climate change®]," babbled the insane Democrat Senate Overlord, Harry Mason Reid.
ight years of Liberogressive control of our Senate. Eight years of extremist "leadership" like this. Had enough, America? We need a change now, before these extremist Demøcrazed liars(birm) do any more damage to our country. Their clocks we need to clean in 2014.
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), Democrat War on Americans, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), insane liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), Senatormageddon
