Tuesday, January 21, 2014 |
If by "tolerant" you mean burning or banishing anybody who doesn't "think" feel the same way they do.
ust ask any non-liberal in "tolerant" Hollywood or any non-liberal citizen in the whole "tolerant" state of New York. Yes, they can tell you how much the liberal rulers there are. They understand completely that liberals' idea of an ideal "debate" is one at which only liberals are allowed to speak or, better yet, even show up.
The magistrates of 1692 Salem, Massachusetts showed more tolerance towards those they accused of witchcraft than liberals with that kind of power ever would towards anybody who doesn't totally agree with everything they say and do. The former's "trials" were more fair than the liberals', "Is she now or has she ever been a supporter of anybody other than us!? No?! Then she's a racist/extremist/homophobe/gun-nut/teabagger! Burn her!"
With tolerance like theirs, who needs intolerance?
This is why calling liberals "progressives" is unreasonable. It's like saying that members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party were all just a bunch of fun-loving humanitarians.
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, liberals unhinged, more liberal hypocrisy, more liberal intolerance, National Socialist liberals (BIRM)

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