emember this on Election Day: Not one Republican voted in favor of Øbraindead's and his Democatastrophic Party's colossal insanity and all the harm, destruction, and costly disasters he and his extremist party keep causing with it.
Did you "save up to $2,500 on your health insurance premiums"? No, you didn't.
Did you get to "keep your health care plan if you like your health care plan"? No, you didn't.
Did you get to "keep your doctor if you like your doctor"? No, you didn't.
Can we say ØbrokenCare is "affordable"? No, we can't!
Can Øfascist take care that his own law is faithfully executed as our Constitution orders him to do? No, he can't!
Can Øtyrant care any less about how much he and his evil gang of greedy, selfish partisan hacks are hurting you medically and financially even while they exempt themselves from that same hurt?
No, he can't!
Was any of this insane, unread, unfaithfully followed, unequally applied Drivilcrap Party evil the "Change We Need"?
Was it intended by its (mis)leaders to ever do anything besides create an even more monstrously bureaucratic and heartlessly dictatorial government for the sole purpose of granting of, by, and for their extremist selves the means to øbtain endless, absolute power?
Was their giving the IRS even more control over our lives ever intended by them to make the life of anybody outside their exclusive, greedy, evil power-hungry gang "better"?
No, it wasn't. No, it wasn't. No, it wasn't!
Will we go to the polls in droves on November 4, and vote these evil Øbastards out!?
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, greedy and selfish liberals (BIRM), Health Care Death Snare, idiot liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, Obama Lied Your Healthcare Died, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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