"If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. [Actually, no you can't.] If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. [Actually, no you can't.] Period! [Actually, asterisk!]"
f you like your tax-exempt status, you can keep your tax-exempt status. (Unless you're an American patriotic organization I hate and want to take out my revenge on, then no you can't.) Period!"
"If you like your Libyan consulate, Ambassador Stevens, you can keep your Libyan consulate. (Unless you're attacked by 'on-the-run' al-Qaeda terrorists, then no you can't. You can't even keep your life!) Period!"
"If you like your taxpayer-subsidized 'green energy' scam, Solyndra and other Øtyrant Campaign contributors, you can keep your taxpayer-subsidized 'green energy' scam. (Unless you're another of my greedy and criminally corrupt pals and cronies caught red-handed blatantly ripping off hardworking American taxpayers, then no you can't.) Period!"
"If I like my promises I made you just to get elected, I can... er, I mean, no I can't keep my promises I made you just to get elected. Period! Suckers!"
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), more liberal hypocrisy, more Obroken promises, Obama Lied Our Ambassador Died, Obama Lied Your Healthcare Died

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