Friday, December 06, 2013 |
Deckchairs rearranged. Band told to play livelier tunes. Passengers given permission to walk on tilting walls.
hat big gaping hole in the side of the ship? That's just one side. Here, look at the other side of the ship! See? It's working fine. Forward!"
Speaking of big gaping holes, the lack of security at NoYouCantBuyAnythingHere.oops is so bad you still have no reasonable expectation that any personal data you enter there won't be stolen by identity thieves.
- Data security weaknesses continue to plague Obamacare's systems, erecting another obstacle to successful enrollment. If people don't believe their sensitive information is safe, they're far less likely to roll the dice and plug in Social Security numbers and financial data into the federal (and state level) exchanges. One expert hacker tells CNBC that is woefully under-protected and wonders what, if any, measures were originally built into the website's structure....
Okay, so it still has major security holes. It still can't process any payments. It still won't calculate your subsidies. It still isn't of any practical use to consumers, employers, or insurers. But other than all that, it's "fixed!"
In the minds of more and more Americans, the only thing this Øbarnum & Sebelius Circus™ has fixed is the idea there truly is a sucker born every minute.
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, extremely irresponsible liberals (BIRM), Health Care Death Snare, Impeach.Obama.Now., liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), Worst. pResident. Ever.

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