Monday, December 30, 2013 |
"It shows the pitiful, lawless, degradation of our once free country resulting from Obama...."
am not a tyrant!" is one the first things every tyrant throughout history has whined — usually right after declaring he is the law:
"We can't wait for Congress to do its job, so where they won't act, I will...." "It is the belief of this administration [fascistration –FIFY, LR] that we can't wait for action on the Hill...." "If Congress won't act, I will...."
[Der Fübar] ought to know — but apparently doesn't — that the executive branch must work with the Congress, not evade it, and it is not the president's role to determine what Congress' job is and whether or not it is doing that job. The Constitution determines what Congress' job is, and the voters are the ones to determine whether or not their representatives are doing their job.
It's the very thing the Tyrant-n-Thief Baracrook He's-a-lyin' Øfascist whined at one of his Nuremberg Rallies hand-picked assemblies last May.
Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that's at the root of all our problems. [Tyrannese-to-English translation: "Nobody should be allowed to point out that I constantly lie and am a complete fraud and that my fascist dictatorship is as transparent as a brick wall."]
Some of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. [Translation: "Neither should anybody be allowed to defy, in any way, my tyranny."]
They'll warn that tyranny's always lurking just around the corner. [Translation: "Ha ha, too late. It ain't lurkin' anymore. It's now goose-stompin' on all your throats!"]
You should reject these voices. [Translation: "You, my gaggle of wind-up mindless Øbots, should obediently destroy anybody who does not obsequiously bow down to Me!]
Every tyrant must create some Enemy Of The People™ to distract those he oppresses, lest they focus on the real cause of their growing miseries and subjugation; namely, his tyranny. In the case of Øfascist, that scapegoat is everybody with the courage to stand up and publicly fight for all of our most hard-won freedoms.
None of our nation's founders would've had any trouble recognizing the usurpations, lawlessness, and other assorted depravities we're increasingly witnessing from Bareich Øfascist as nothing but the final, desperate acts of a discredited despot.
Labels: death of Freedom, Democrat War on Americans, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberal hypocrites (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), Worst. pResident. Ever.

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