Thursday, November 07, 2013 |
"I did not have grammatical relations with that punctuation mark – Ms. 'Period.' I never told anybody to lie [or to tell the truth, either, for that matter]. Not a single time. Never. Period— oops, I mean Asterisk."
f course, none of these egregious lies lying Øliar keeps telling you is ever allowed to adversely affect any insurance plan he and your other "servants" in Washington, D.C. may personally like and keep. They think feel they're better than you. So they're not about to screw themselves like they're screwing you.
Fool us once, shame on him. Fool us twice...
"Let me be asteriskly clear: If you like your current health insurance plan, you can keep your plan...
* "Until I make it illegal for your insurer to continue you on that plan you like. Period. (While Members of Congress, their staffs, and I always get to keep our plans, thanks to you suckers taxpayers subsidizing our Better Plans™.)"
Even lying Øliar's lies come with an asterisk now.**
** He*** repeatedly "misspoke."
*** While reading his teleprompter.
Yes, you can find this Big Øbadwolf Eats Grandfather Clause clause in his Unaffordable & Unavailable Care Act.****
**** "Oh, my, Grandfather! What a big nose you have!"
"The better to make even Pinocchio feel Proboscis Envy, my dear."
"But, Grandfather! What a big asterisk you have!"
"The better to insult your intelligence with, my dear."
"But, Grandfather! What a big Insurance Cancellation Notice I have!"
"The better to eat up your family income with, my dear!"
"Help! Wolf!...."
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, Democratyrants, greedy and selfish liberals (BIRM), Impeach.Obama.Now., liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), Obama Lied Your Healthcare Died, socialist injustice

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