Sunday, November 03, 2013 |
That's what the lying liar-in-chief Baracrook Øbait'n'switch meant each of multiple times he his teleprompter "misspoke." Right, New York Slimes?
ake no mistake: If lying Øliar told this Nixon-grade lie under oath in court, he'd be rotting in jail now for perjury just like any other criminal who willfully and knowingly committed such a grievous offense.
Fact is, the lying liar publicly and repeatedly swore that "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan," even after he knew that statement was a total lie.
Did it depend upon what the meaning of the word "you" is?
Let me be absolutely clear: Had a Republican president signed the manifestly disastrous Unaffordable No-Care Act and said those 10 words, lying Øliar's same leg-humping media lapdogs who're howling "our master misspoke!" would be rabidly promoting demands for the president's prompt impeachment, if not outright demanding it themselves.
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, Health Care Death Snare, Impeach.Obama.Now., liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), National Socialist liberals (BIRM), ObaDunce FAILS, Obama's War on Truth, videos

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