Thursday, November 21, 2013 |
Yes he can mercilessly sacrifice individual human beings for the good of his fascist totalitarian collectivist utopia.
he last thing liberals want to promote is protection of individual rights. Their mania for controlling everybody can never tolerate the existence of any free country. It and its citizens who like it must be destroyed at all costs, and any and all means to that end are totally acceptable, they "think" feel. You have to break a few heads — or a few million of them if that's what it takes — to make an Øbamelette collective, you know. That's why they couldn't care less about any of the sick, elderly citizens they're herding into rooms where a poisonous gas is released. If their suffering helps further the interests of the liberals' fascist state, it's all for Teh Greater Good™.
The lawsuit describes the experiment [at the Envirowacko Protection Agency] as involving 41 human subjects, that were elderly patients with a variety of medical issues including asthma and heart problem, being paid $12 per hour to participate in the experiment two hours at a time. During those hours, they were breathing through a plastic tube, a mixture of air and diesel exhaust, the latter of which was piped in directly from the tail-pipe of a running truck parked just outside the building. The lawsuit says the subjects were inhaling directly into their lungs particulate matters from the exhaust called "PM2.5" at a rate 21 times greater than what the EPA [says] is safe for human breathing. It reported in one instance, an elderly woman had to be taken out of the experiment and hospitalized over night to recover from exposure to the poison exhaust.
In an article on the American Thinker, Mark Musser describes the experience this way, "It has been recently revealed that the EPA has far surpassed the dark humor of blowing up kids and people on film that global warming scare-mongers promoted a few years back. In real life, the EPA has been conducting human experiments on people by piping diesel fumes from a running truck mixed with air into their lungs at a North Carolina university. The agency has ginned up yet another green crusade — the lethal dangers of diesel fumes. They even had a gas chamber set up to accommodate the environmental research project that shockingly recalls the death camps in Poland."
This was clearly an unethical and likely illegal and certainly hideous experiment using human subjects, on which Musser further writes, "Not surprisingly, the EPA is now in the process of being sued for conducting dangerous experiments on human guinea pigs. The courts will decide whether or not serious laws and practices were violated, including the international Nuremberg Code that was set up after sixteen Nazi doctors were executed for medical terrorism. After the barbaric fallout of Nazi Germany, where many people were treated like experimental animals, the Nuremberg Code was designed to be an international governing set of principles to regulate the practice of human experimentation. The whiff of the Jewish holocaust is therefore unmistakable."...
Next time a liberal tells you "if insert tyrannically intrusive extremist plan here could save even one person's life, we [i.e., bigger government] ought to do it," punch him in his hypocritical fascist face. It'll make the Baby Jesus smile.
This experiment was carried out by the EPA under Lisa Jackson, appointed by Barack Obama [Doktor Obamengele], who had testified before congress that she believes the particulate matter in diesel fuel is killing people who inhale it from the air. If she believes that, why was she having this poison piped directly into the lungs of human subjects in massive dosages, 21 times the strength her own agency says is safe for humans to breath in?
Because Doktor Obamengele's Frau Krankenschwester fanatically "thinks" feels exactly as he does. All individual human life is expendable where advancement of Der Fübar's extremist liberal agenda is concerned. She's just being another Good German®.
My guess is, the agenda here was to prove how unhealthy diesel exhaust is in this bizarre and sick experiment, and use the "evidence" to make a case for banning diesel engines and diesel-power vehicles.
But now that this goose-stepping liberal fascist's crimes against humanity have been exposed, she'll no doubt claim, "Ich vas only follovink orderz."
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), heartless liberals (BIRM), Impeach.Obama.Now., liberal hypocrites (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, liberals are always extreme, socialist injustice

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