Thursday, November 14, 2013 |
If you still don't believe we're living under one, you're a willfully blind fool.
yranny isn't lurking just around the corner. It's got its jackboot stomping on your throat.
Lying Baracrook Øliar and his whole insufferably evil fascistration aren't merely drunk with power. They're stumbling down dark allies falling flat on their faces, passed out in their own vomit with it.
Thinking Feeling he doesn't need Congress's approval for anything anymore, Ødespot has once again unilaterally changed his and his fellow Demøfascists' own "settled law of the land." (That Constitution Thingy™? well, it can just go jump itself!)
The Presityrant dictated that private health insurance companies are no longer allowed to faithfully follow the law as Congress passed it — which he signed — but must strictly obey this latest whim of his which changes all the rules in the middle of the game. Just so yes he and his Demøfascist Party can have some hope they won't be held accountable next year to us justifiably angry voters who keep losing our health care plans we like all because of them.
Republicans in Congress don't have to lead constitutional efforts to repeal the DemØfascists' unprecedented disaster of a "law." The extremely dishonest and untrustworthy Dictator-in-Chief is repealing it left and right — piecemeal — all by himself, unconstitutionally. Members of Congress need not apply "their" legislative powers.
In every modern dictionary the most appropriate picture that could be placed next to the word "arbitrary" is one of Queen Stompy Foot the Liar's arrogantly smug, unholy ugly shitfaced mug.
American Democracy is dead.
Long live Might Makes Right and The Ends Justify The Means!
Labels: Democratyrants, Health Care Death Snare, Impeach.Obama.Now., lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), more liberal hypocrisy

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