Wednesday, October 16, 2013 |
So declared by King Øtyrant's royal edicts: Above the Law of the Land™ are Their Highnesses, the Lord Members of Congress and Each's Personal staff, the Big Businesses and Big Unions Whom His Majesty Personally favors, as well as, of course, Hisself, His Family, and His various and sundry underlings and subjects.
“Selective enforcement of the law is the first sign of tyranny.”
ut you mere commoners not among these Few enjoying Their Spite Privilege, King Øtyrant and Queen Moochie-Antoinelle graciously consent to let you all eat cake.
So choke down a big, fat slice of extremely high insurance rates. (No, you cannot be allowed to get any of those special Congressional subsidies.)
Then a massive, juicy slice of part-time work instead of full-time employment. (No, you cannot be allowed to keep any of your plans or benefits.)
Then an icing drowned slice of income-tax increases should you dare disobey King Øtyrant's royal command to Be Insured Exactly As I Mandate Or Else®. (No, you cannot be allowed to get any of those special Big Corporation waivers or delays.)
Then a nice, heaping slice of less and lower-quality service. (No, you cannot be allowed to keep your doctor.)
Then a clumpy, bleeding slice of paying for elective abortions the merciless killing of completely innocent and defenseless life growing inside every woman whose conscious choice to willfully not control what happens to her own body enough to prevent the creation of somebody she knew or should have known would mean nothing more to her than a hated "inconvenience" that "should" or "must" die, has led so predictably to that callous, premeditated act. (No, you cannot be allowed to exercise your right to choose not to pay for it.)
And, no, you cannot be allowed to have any ice cream to make any of them seem even remotely palatable.
By His Imperiously Royal Hand,
/SS/ ZEmpeRØ Øtyrant, Defender of the Stompy Foot, Transforminger of the Fundamentallies, Princess of the Royal Barry-cades, Etc. &tc.
At the White Spite House
Labels: fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, Obama's War on Americans, Obamabuse of Power, socialist injustice, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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