The Two-Year-Old-in-Chief and his SSenate Gestapocrats not only are still refusing to allow any funding for medical research that yes can save the lives of children who have cancer, but their cold-hearted, mean-spirited, spite-filled "winning" plan to keep safe roads closed is forcing buses full of school children to take very dangerous routes.
verybody's asking each of them now, "But if you could help one child whose lives your extremist position is endangering, why wouldn't you do it?"
Their response still is, "Why would we want to do that? We're winning!"
All because those murderous psychos would rather kill us all economically as well as literally — themselves self-excepted, of course — with their extremely unaffordable and dangerous des gesetz des vaterlandes Øfascist"Care", than ever save the life of even one child.
Labels: corrupt Democrats (BIRM), Democrat War on Children, Democratyrants, economic terrorist enemy (aka Democrats), liberal hypocrites (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, liberals are always extreme, Obamabuse of Power

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