Thursday, October 10, 2013 |
Covering up Øfascist's goose-stepping tracks.
n an extremely capricious backtrack from his extremist, heartless Screw You Fallen Soldiers! stance, ZEmpeRØ Stompy Foot I capitulated again to Republican lawmakers' efforts to specifically fund federal programs he has vindictively and often sadistically shut down. While he continues to hold the American people hostage to his extreme and completely selfish demands regarding his already failed DemØfascist"Care", a bipartisan alliance led by Republicans are moving forward with plans to get the rest of the government fully back online.
When asked to explain why Stompy Foot I keeps breaking his extremist promise to never, ever, ever, never, ever approve any such "piecemeal approach" whatsoever-ever-ever, his spokescrickets chirped louder and more nervously than ever.
Labels: heartless liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), more liberal hypocrisy, Obama hates military people, Obama's War on Americans, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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