Monday, September 09, 2013 |
You want "red lines"? These crossed ones actually do mean War on Regular Americans:
Waivers for crony "capitalists" and Big Union pals, none for regular Americans.
2. Unlawful subsidies for members of Congress and their staffs, none for regular Americans.
3. Delayed mandates for employers, none for regular Americans.
4. Unlawful regulations forcing insurers to cancel all child-only plans means none for regular Americans.
5. Out-of-pocket caps delayed means out-of-pocket caps denied for regular Americans.
6. Ditto low-income health plans denied regular Americans suffering under Øblunder's alleged "recovery."
7. Privacy laws gutted means none for regular Americans.
We the Regular American People are demanding there be hundreds of boots on the ground in Congress combating and defeating all funding of the DemØfascist's Weapon of Mass Destitution attack against us.
Labels: liberals are always extreme, No Justice No Peace, Obama Is THE National Security Threat, Obama's War on Americans, Obama's War on the Middle Class, Obama's War on Workers, Obamabuse of Power

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