Wednesday, September 11, 2013 |
Not wanted by the American people, Congress, or the United Nations, Øbendover-for-Putin crawls in bed with the bear.
kanky Diplomacy: When you have to totally cheapen yourself to avoid becoming a complete laughingstock.
How embarrassing. Not even whores on the street bother trying to spin their way out of that sort of degradation.
The only "credible force" anybody sees here is the certain, overwhelming demands for Øbeaten's impeachment had he gone it alone and attacked Syria without legal authorization or public support.
The problems we have with war against Syria aren't going to change anytime soon. It's clear that no "unbelievably small" attack would do anything except get numerous innocent civilians killed. Anything more and al-Qaeda terrorists end up taking over that country, including all its chemical weapons. Hasn't Putin's Øboytoy™ leaned anything from his disaster in Egypt? His siding with "moderate" terrorists there and in Syria has been a miserable failure all around. The Øbrothel regime had its chance to stick it to Syria's puppet-master Iran back in 2009, but blew it. Was telling the democratic freedom fighters in Iran to, in effect, drop dead part of Øbimbo's Smarteriest Diplomacy®?
Now Øbutthurt's lying in this filthy bed he made with his John Vlad. What a joke. Sadly, it'll be at all our expense.
Labels: liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), Obama Is THE National Security Threat, Obawarmonger, surrender monkeys, treason, Unabashed Sellouts of America, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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