Friday, September 20, 2013 |
They sure do openly Hope® to see a lot of children dead.
magine if a spokesman for a local chapter of the Republican Party said yes he can Hope® the children of pResident Øbadmouth's communications director "all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases" due to Øfascist"Care"'s admitted rationing of health services. How long before the Secret Service, IRS, NSA, et al. would all be knocking on his door?
Same if a rare mythical conservative professor of journalism told an anti-Second Amendment organization yes he can Hope® "next time, let it be your sons and daughters" who die in one of those fish barrels gun-free zones (except for liberal nutjobs' guns) it supports. The 24/7 howls from the "mainstream" media militant propaganda arm of the Demøfascist Party wouldn't cease until the university where he works fired him and the FBI arrested him for making "terroristic threats."
From here on out, next time you hear a liberal say "it's for Teh Children™," just laugh in either of his two faces.
Of course, everything liberals do and say is intended to shut down all debate so they have the first, last, and only word. That's how all tyrants achieve and stay in power.
Fortunately for our freedoms, liberals also gleefully advocate the murder abortion of their own children lumps of fetal tissue. Won't be too many generations before there aren't any left to Hope® for the brutal deaths of their political opponents' children.
That's the kind of needed Change® yes we can Hope® for and believe in.
Labels: desperate liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberal a-hole freaks (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, more liberal hypocrisy, more liberal intolerance

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