Tuesday, September 03, 2013 |
Why are we helping these terrorists?
he answer, of course, is they're Pals of Øscumbag. First he covered up for them after they butchered Ambassador Stephens and his colleagues in Libya, by lying that some obscure YouTube video about islamofascists incited a "spontaneous" mob to protest it. No matter that the video was posted months before the "protest," or that the "protest" happened to occur exactly on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11, or that the "protesters" didn't bring any signs to their "protest" but were armed to the teeth, carrying enough mortar launchers and other artillery and equipment to qualify them as a full-scale combat regiment.
Next he lied that he wasn't going to give his terrorist pals in Egypt, the Mooslime Butcherhood, any military aid, then went ahead and unilaterally gave them fighter jets and tanks as they were butchering every Christian man, woman, and child they could in their homes and churches.
Now he wants to give these same terrorist animals who ambushed and butchered our diplomats all the air support they need to take over Syria, even as we're finding out they're the ones who use chemical weapons to butcher innocent civilians.
What's wrong with this picture?
It is clear treason to give these terrorist enemies of America the aid and comfort Øbamadhering-to-terrorists already has. It would be clear treason for Congress to allow him to give them even more.
Baracrook Øliar's lied for his terrorist pals many times before. It's obvious he's doing it again.
Labels: AWOLstream media, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), Obama Is THE National Security Threat, Obama's Wars, treason, videos, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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